About me

I am a software developer with an extensive background in GIS. Originally from Louisville, KY, I relocated to Charlotte, NC in 2014. My undergraduate education was fueled by interests in weather and cartography. This led to degrees in Meteorology and Geography and a very rewarding career in GIS.

Throughout my career, creative problem solving and automating complex procedures are what I have found to be the most rewarding. Web development is a natural progression that allows me to pursue these same goals in new, innovative ways. In 2017, I successfully completed an intensive course in web development at UNC Charlotte. Although I continue GIS activities, I now am a full stack software developer at Bank of America.



Built with React, Material Design for Bootstrap & MongoDB, WaggsWorld is a MERN stack site for the Charlotte, NC dog lover. GeoJSON Collections in MongoDB allow for geographic queries based on user location. Yelp, Petfinder & Eventbrite API's are also heavily used.

ReactJS Javascript Bootstrap MongoDB Leaflet Node.js Heroku Yelp API Petfinder API Eventbrite API HTML CSS


UNCC Coding Boot Camp Best Overall Group Project April 2017. Completed along with team members Pauline Whang, Luis Paredes & Ramon Terry. BakeSale2Go allows bake sale organizers to connect with their local communities.

Javascript Bootstrap jQuery Firebase Leaflet AJAX Email.js MapBox API MapQuest API HTML CSS

School Management System

UNCC Boot Camp Group Project #2 Accomplished along with team members Phillip Haberern, Luis Paredes & David Wilson. Mutli-table MySQL app with extensive tech stack resume.

To see it in action, login as a professor using the email 'eschwaiger1g@eagleu.edu' and password 'pass12345'.

MySQL Sequelize HandleBars Node.js Express Heroku Passport JavaScript Bootstrap jQuery HTML CSS


An exercise in the use of API calls via AJAX. Click a subject button and get matching results from GIPHY. (WARNING: This is addictive)

API AJAX Bootstrap jQuery HTML CSS

Headline Scraper

NPR headline information is scraped and saved to a remote database. The results are then rendered to the page allowing the end user leave comments if they wish.

MongoDB Mongoose mLab Heroku Cheerio Handlebars Node.js Express Material Design Bootstrap jQuery Javascript HTML CSS


Simple MySQL-powered app that uses Sequelize as its ORM.

MySQL Sequelize JavaScript Node.js Express Bootstrap jQuery HTML CSS

Train Scheduler

Google's Firebase is used in this app to store train schedule information.

Firebase JavaScript Moment.js Bootstrap jQuery HTML CSS

Timed Trivia Game

An exercise in Javascript timer functions.

JavaScript Bootstrap jQuery HTML CSS

Crystals Collector

JavaScript exercise using random numbers & logic skills. jQuery animations added for fun.

JavaScript Bootstrap jQuery HTML CSS

GDS Company Site

Joomla CMS site for Geographic Delivery Service, LLC.

MySQL Joomla JavaScript Leaflet jQuery HTML CSS

Hangman Game

A JavaScript-powered, fruity hangman game.

JavaScript Bootstrap jQuery HTML CSS



HTML CSS Sass JavaScript ReactJS jQuery
Bootstrap Handlebars Material Design


Node.js Express MySQL Sequelize
MongoDB Mongoose APIs


Heroku Firebase mLab
Joomla cPanel


MapInfo MapBasic QGIS Leaflet
GitHub Google Analytics

GitHub Activity

Contact me

  • (502) 291-8867